Monday, February 6, 2012


It took 3 hours, but now I'm here. Where is here? Here is nowhere. I am standing in the middle of nowhere, and it is amazing. I am standing alone with my van in Ibex, Utah on a salt flat that stretches on forever. If I where to go across it and down the ever strait highway 6 a few miles I would see a sign that confirms I am alone. It would say that I am 43 miles in any direction from the nearest building.

I am not lonely. It is just me and the intense landscape of a flat clean hard lake bed and what appear to be islands off in the distance. The solitude seems to fill my being and I embrace it. I have become part of this amazing landscape. I am exhilarated I hop back in my van and speed across the flat in every direction. Until one to many close calls reins my adrenaline back into submission and I arrive at a cluster of alien boulders backed up to a cliff. I spend the day climbing, alone, never once feeling vulnerable. In fact I feel liberated, and not worried of getting trapped without water away from home. These are the experiences I seek in life and chase after.